Thursday, August 27, 2015

Week 6

Monday- An early morning phone call informed me that the X-ray machine was acting up and I would be rescheduled for radiation. I didn't mind missing a day. Just that much closer to being done.

Tuesday - It's chemo day which means it's time for my weekly chat with the chemo oncologist. He asked "What's new?" I began rattling off all of my chemo related gripes until I got to "turning up the tinnitus in my left ear"and he said "That's it. No extra chemo for you. Your left ear just saved you." Grateful for the news, I endured my final chemo infusion with a smile on my face. You've probably already seen the photo. But here it is again.

Thursday - Met with the radiation oncologist and learned that I am expected to do a "make up" day for missing my Monday appointment. Damn!! Looks like my last radiation day will be Monday, August 31.

Friday - The weekend chemo fatigue began creeping up on me by late afternoon. Should be a really fun weekend.

Saturday & Sunday - What weekend? I think I slept it all away. Seriously...Sunday morning I got out of bed and moved to the couch. From there I made it to the recliner and then it was time to return to bed for a nap. That was the routine for the rest of the day as well. I didn't even make time to eat or drink for most of the day. It was a total waste. The big news on Saturday was that my neck suddenly decided to peel.

This was a real relief. It was really itching a LOT! Now it feels much better, no matter how strange it looks. By now,as I am writing this, it has completely peeled - at least on my left side.

But next week is the FINAL WEEK!!! (Except for that radiation date on the following Monday.) These last 2 weeks are really dragging. I remember thinking how quickly the first 5 passed and how fast the final 2 should zip by. NFW! The cumulative effects of chemo and radiation are finally really taking their toll. I'm constantly tired and in pain - not bad pain, but I never, ever, feel "good" anymore. It's getting really old and I'm ready to be done with this treatment plan so I can start healing.

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