Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Tuesday - Woke up hungry for "REAL" food. Tried eating a variety of dishes, but it's obvious that as much as my brain might want food, my mouth isn't ready to deal with it. Taste buds are still worthless,too. Managed the usual 2-1/2 mile dog walk with "only" 3 stops.

Thursday - Let's try that real food business again. Mouth and throat don't seem to rebel are much are before. They are still really sensitive to chile pepper heat (or even black pepper for that matter). Had a very small bowl of homemade Brunswick stew and could actually taste vegetables!! Tried a few Campbell's soup varieties and was pretty disappointed. Chicken noodle was disgusting. Minestrone was OK. I keep staring at that big can of menudo in the pantry. For some reason I am really craving tripe tacos. I'm afraid, though, that even the slightest amount of chiles would really hurt. Good news, though. Taste buds are definitely coming back to life!!

Friday- Today I got to meet with both Monticelli (chemo) and McDermed (radiation). Monticelli was a funny as ever. Pulled my PIC so I no longer have the tube in my arm any more. No good answers on when chemo clears out of my system, of course. It's different for everyone. McDermed was pretty pleased with my progress. She found my left side lymph node pretty easily. I told her that at one point it had nearly disappeared, but was now obvious, if not overly large. She put me on a weekly schedule to monitor any changes in the node. Now were just in wait and see mode.

Still healing rather quickly. Overall, feeling a LOT better than a week ago. Able to swallow food again even if it doesn't taste like much. Relying on the PEG tube a lot less. Slowly regaining energy.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Week 8

Monday - Still hurting as bad as the weekend. Watched Barbara load up the truck and then we headed towards home and the final radiation rendezvous. Had the nurse take a few photos of me on the table. Here's my favorite.

I also have a good before and after comparison showing how much weight I lost.

Did the math quickly in my head and came up with just under 2 pounds lost per hour spent laying on this table. After the ordeal I was handed my mask and a "graduation" certificate. I wore both when I met Barbara in the waiting room.

Tuesday - Don't seem to be suffering any more than yesterday. But then again, I'm not suffering any less. Needed to make a few Happy Birthday phone calls today, but I still don't want to talk.

Wednesday - Seem to feel a bit better; willing to utter brief sentences. Swallowing has improved from F!-ing painful to merely painful. Got a call from the pharmacy that my prescription is ready. Long ago the clinic handed me a scrip for oxycodone "just in case". After all the pain on the weekend I called Walgreen's Monday morning. My pain relief is finally here. Took the maximum recommended adult dose and waited. About 30 minutes later the pain relief was no better than after a dose of ibuprofen, but then again, ibuprofen doesn't bend your brain like this either. I haven't even had a beer in over a month and a half, but now I have a pleasant, mild brain buzz going on.  Waited about 90 minutes longer (not the recommended 4 - 6 hours) and took a second dose. Still no significant pain relief compared to 2 ibuprofen, but I know I'm going to sleep really well tonight. Sweet Dreams to you, too.

Thursday - Managed a 2-1/2 mile dog walk with only one rest stop! Now that's progress. Learned that oxycodone is now only good for assuring a good night's sleep. It doesn't really dent the pain and Wednesday's mind bending episode is history that won't seem to repeat itself. Food is still tasteless.

Friday -The forecast today is for a high of about 60. Well, it is September, after all. Hit the wall early today and decided to lay down on the couch mid-morning just for a moment. Woke up an hour and a half later; moved to the other couch and took yet another nap. That was the theme for the day; just a succession of naps.

Saturday - So much for recovering from chemo fatigue. Today's "usual" walk with the dogs required 3 rest stops en route and a nap when I got home. Not as zonked as yesterday, but still pretty useless.When I woke up, the clouds had parted and we could see fresh snow on the Cascades. It won't last long, but it sure is pretty right now.

Sunday - Nothing much new to report. Mouth and throat pain are getting better daily. Actually got on the phone today and caught up with a few people. It was strange to hear my voice again. A week without really talking changes things. Voice seems to be deeper and has a pronounced rattle or raspy quality. I assume this will return to "normal? with use.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Week 7

Monday - Still stuck in the chemo fatigue.  Felt a bit better, but I can't get over how weak I am. Glad I only got the low dose of cisplatin and equally glad I never got a 7th dose.

Tuesday - Felt much better than previous 3 days. After radiation I walked upstairs to get my PICC dressing changed. So strange to be up there without having to sit in the big chair with an IV bag hanging next to me. After the dressing change the nurse measures my blood pressure and finds it surprisingly low (85/55). "Care to stay in the chair and take a bag of saline?" she asks.  Well... at lest it isn't cisplatin. One liter later I'm up to an acceptable 100/65 and can go home again.

Thursday- I've had it!! I unloaded on the radiation oncologist this afternoon. I've had enough of this crap!! Haven't necessarily felt bad forever, but I haven't felt good in over a month and a half. I'm tired of the pain; tired of not being able to taste food; tired of being tired!! She just chuckled and said "You've been the poster boy for good attitude this whole time and now you're losing it right at the end."  Good thing we're leaving for a Waldport beach weekend.

Friday - Next to the last radiation date! I have a  much improved attitude compared to yesterday which helps a bunch. We loaded up the truck with cool weather clothes and 3 dogs (Lexee, too) and headed to the coast for a long overdue change of scenery.

Saturday - Should have saved my Thursday rant for today. Radiation damage to tissue is cumulative, but it also seems to have a quantum aspect. It doesn't add up day by day; it's more like weekly jumps. The first 10 days were painless. Then the next morning suddenly I'm aware of a tenderness in throat and tongue. Another week or 2 later it becomes even more uncomfortable.   I mentioned at the start of week 5 that I had crossed over from discomfort to pain. This morning I graduated from 'Damn that's painful" to "F#*%, THAT REALLY HURTS!!!" Seriously, I don't want to talk and don't even think about swallowing. By this time I'm 100% tube feeding even to the point of injecting water to stay hydrated. It's easier to spit out saliva than try to swallow. I doubled my daily intake of ibuprofen and powered through. Of course, the pain killing "magic mouthwash"is in the fridge back in Powell Butte as is the "just in case" prescription for opiates. So much for enjoying the beach. Managed a short walk in the sand late in the afternoon. Other than that, I just curled up on the couch watching Food Network dreaming of when I might be able to eat again - or at least swallow.

Sunday - Pretty much a replay of Saturday. Except for one walk on the beach I was one with the couch and Food Network and refusing to talk or swallow. Really dreading the thought of yet another radiation session on Monday. Can it possibly be as bad as the Friday experience? God, I hope not.